Deferred are deref'ed by compojure/routes. How to get around this?
Martin Raison
2015-05-15 05:20:38 UTC
Aleph's README says handlers may return a deferred to represent an eventual
In the HTTP examples
<http://ideolalia.com/aleph/literate.html#aleph.examples.http>, it also
uses compojure/routes to define the routes.

However, before returning the response to the middleware, compojure
actually "renders" the result. This means that, since deferred implements
IDeref, compojure calls deref
on the deferred before passing the response back to the middleware. Isn't
this bad? Does anyone have a good solution to prevent compojure from
deref'ing the result? (both my handler and my middleware do asynchronous
operations, so it seems suboptimal to have a deref in the middle of the
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Robert Zabel
2015-10-06 08:15:58 UTC
i think you could do something like this:

(extend-type Deferred
(render [this req]
(d/chain this #(render % req))))
Post by Martin Raison
Aleph's README says handlers may return a deferred to represent an
eventual response.
In the HTTP examples
<http://ideolalia.com/aleph/literate.html#aleph.examples.http>, it also
uses compojure/routes to define the routes.
However, before returning the response to the middleware, compojure
actually "renders" the result. This means that, since deferred implements
IDeref, compojure calls deref
on the deferred before passing the response back to the middleware. Isn't
this bad? Does anyone have a good solution to prevent compojure from
deref'ing the result? (both my handler and my middleware do asynchronous
operations, so it seems suboptimal to have a deref in the middle of the
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Zach Tellman
2015-10-06 18:50:44 UTC
What version of Compojure are you using? I had thought that in the latest,
the values passed through untouched.
Post by Robert Zabel
(extend-type Deferred
(render [this req]
(d/chain this #(render % req))))
Post by Martin Raison
Aleph's README says handlers may return a deferred to represent an
eventual response.
In the HTTP examples
<http://ideolalia.com/aleph/literate.html#aleph.examples.http>, it also
uses compojure/routes to define the routes.
However, before returning the response to the middleware, compojure
actually "renders" the result. This means that, since deferred implements
IDeref, compojure calls deref
on the deferred before passing the response back to the middleware. Isn't
this bad? Does anyone have a good solution to prevent compojure from
deref'ing the result? (both my handler and my middleware do asynchronous
operations, so it seems suboptimal to have a deref in the middle of the
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Robert Zabel
2015-10-07 17:13:11 UTC
I checked out the latest version on git, they really deref.
Post by Zach Tellman
What version of Compojure are you using? I had thought that in the
latest, the values passed through untouched.
Post by Robert Zabel
(extend-type Deferred
(render [this req]
(d/chain this #(render % req))))
Post by Martin Raison
Aleph's README says handlers may return a deferred to represent an
eventual response.
In the HTTP examples
<http://ideolalia.com/aleph/literate.html#aleph.examples.http>, it also
uses compojure/routes to define the routes.
However, before returning the response to the middleware, compojure
actually "renders" the result. This means that, since deferred implements
IDeref, compojure calls deref
on the deferred before passing the response back to the middleware. Isn't
this bad? Does anyone have a good solution to prevent compojure from
deref'ing the result? (both my handler and my middleware do asynchronous
operations, so it seems suboptimal to have a deref in the middle of the
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