Gzip responses
Robin Heggelund Hansen
2015-02-23 00:47:21 UTC
I'm trying to get netty to gzip my responses to the client. This is what
I've tried so far.

(defn- pipeline-modifier [pipeline]
(doto pipeline
(.addLast "gzip" (HttpContentCompressor.))))

(defrecord Server [port routes db]

(start [self]
(log/info "Starting server")
(if (:stop-fn self)
(let [handler (multimethod-handler db routes)]
(assoc self :stop-fn (http/start-server handler {:port port
:executor :none

:pipeline-transform pipeline-modifier})))))

(stop [self]
(log/info "Shutting down server")
(if-let [stop (:stop-fn self)]
(.close stop))
(dissoc self :stop-fn)))

What am I doing wrong?

By the way, I know I have been asking many questions lately. I just want to
end this question with some praise. Aleph is a really nice library, keep up
the good work!
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Zach Tellman
2015-02-23 23:15:20 UTC
One option is to just use standard Ring middleware:

If you're set on using this approach, though, I'm pretty sure the issue
you're having is because of your use of `addLast()`, which puts the
compressor *after* the request handler. I'd guess, but haven't tested,
that using `(.addBefore "request-handler" "gzip" (HttpContentCompressor.))`
would work.

On Sun, Feb 22, 2015 at 4:47 PM, Robin Heggelund Hansen <
Post by Robin Heggelund Hansen
I'm trying to get netty to gzip my responses to the client. This is what
I've tried so far.
(defn- pipeline-modifier [pipeline]
(doto pipeline
(.addLast "gzip" (HttpContentCompressor.))))
(defrecord Server [port routes db]
(start [self]
(log/info "Starting server")
(if (:stop-fn self)
(let [handler (multimethod-handler db routes)]
(assoc self :stop-fn (http/start-server handler {:port port
:executor :none
:pipeline-transform pipeline-modifier})))))
(stop [self]
(log/info "Shutting down server")
(if-let [stop (:stop-fn self)]
(.close stop))
(dissoc self :stop-fn)))
What am I doing wrong?
By the way, I know I have been asking many questions lately. I just want
to end this question with some praise. Aleph is a really nice library, keep
up the good work!
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Robin Heggelund Hansen
2015-02-24 08:21:54 UTC
I think I have tried addBefore with the same result. I'll try again when I
get home.
Of course, looking at the source of that ring handler, implementing my own
gzip function shouldn't be that harder either.

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Ragnar Dahlén
2015-02-24 08:50:29 UTC
I'm using this as :pipeline-transform

(defn add-http-compressor!
[^ChannelPipeline pipeline]
(doto pipeline
(.addBefore "request-handler" "deflater" (HttpContentCompressor.))))
Post by Robin Heggelund Hansen
I think I have tried addBefore with the same result. I'll try again when I
get home.
Of course, looking at the source of that ring handler, implementing my own
gzip function shouldn't be that harder either.
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Robin Heggelund Hansen
2015-02-24 21:03:36 UTC
Ragnar's example worked perfectly. Thank you both for good answers :)
Post by Ragnar Dahlén
I'm using this as :pipeline-transform
(defn add-http-compressor!
[^ChannelPipeline pipeline]
(doto pipeline
(.addBefore "request-handler" "deflater" (HttpContentCompressor.))))
Post by Robin Heggelund Hansen
I think I have tried addBefore with the same result. I'll try again when
I get home.
Of course, looking at the source of that ring handler, implementing my
own gzip function shouldn't be that harder either.
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Mark Ingram
2016-10-12 08:09:22 UTC
I noted that adding the HttpContentCompressor introduces a problem with
sending files as FileRegion (see:

One way of supporting the mode would be the proposed:

And updated pipeline-transform:

(defn add-http-compressor!
[^ChannelPipeline pipeline]
(doto pipeline
(.addBefore "request-handler" "deflater" (HttpContentCompressor.))
(.addBefore "request-handler" "streamer" (ChunkedWriteHandler.))))
Post by Robin Heggelund Hansen
Ragnar's example worked perfectly. Thank you both for good answers :)
Post by Ragnar Dahlén
I'm using this as :pipeline-transform
(defn add-http-compressor!
[^ChannelPipeline pipeline]
(doto pipeline
(.addBefore "request-handler" "deflater" (HttpContentCompressor.))))
Post by Robin Heggelund Hansen
I think I have tried addBefore with the same result. I'll try again when
I get home.
Of course, looking at the source of that ring handler, implementing my
own gzip function shouldn't be that harder either.
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